A baby wrap isn’t just for wrapping baby. It’s the gift that keeps giving! Newborns spend a lot of time wrapped up in the early days and will need a small stash on hand. They are also known as swaddles and come in a range of prices based on the type of material and some are a little larger than others. If you decide to invest in one as a gift, you can take heart knowing it will be used for more than just wrapping.
A baby wrap isn’t just for wrapping baby. It’s the gift that keeps giving!
1. Pram Cover. This in itself has multiple advantages. Shade baby from bright lights or the harsh sun, protect them from a cool breeze or from those prying eyes when trying to get baby to sleep. To keep the wrap in place consider using stroller clips. This stops the wrap from slipping down, getting caught in wheels or blowing around in the wind. You have enough things to juggle while out with baby so no need to add a disobedient wrap!
Baby Wrap Use #1 of 9: Pram Cover: Shade & Shield.
2. Breastfeeding modesty cover. A poll in the UK in 2015 found that a third of women (of the 2,393 surveyed) felt embarrassed breastfeeding in public. Whether you are caught out with a surprise visitor at home or out and about, you can breastfeed in comfort and privacy if that is your preference. Bamboo Lulu stocks 100% organic baby wraps that are a large 120cm x 120cm to give you maximum coverage.
Baby Wrap Use #2 of 9: Booby Screen.
3. Baby change. Here’s a fun fact. Poo can roll. Yep, roll right off the nappy. Place the wrap on the floor or protect a bed at a friend’s place. Use it as a buffer on the hard and cold public change tables.
Baby Wrap Use #3 of 9: Change Mat: Because poo can roll.
4. Baby playtime. Babies love to wiggle and stretch out their arms and legs and explore. Use a wrap for some tummy time. Tummy time builds head, neck and upper body strength for when baby is older and is ready to sit up and start solids. In the early days roll the wrap up, pop arms over it and use it as a tummy wedge. This will help (and protect baby) in the learning stage.
Baby Wrap Use #4 of 9: Tummy Wedge: Help build baby’s upper body strength.
5. Emergency burp or ‘chuck’ cloth. Not the most pleasant use for a wrap, but it sure can be handy. A baby wrap is likely to be just the right size to get full arm and shoulder coverage. It is not unusual for newborns to ‘spit up’ after a feed. This is something they grow out of as they gain more muscle control. (Note: if baby is projectile vomiting and not gaining weight, see a health professional.) Thankfully, organic fabrics such as bamboo and organic cotton are very durable and last wash after wash (with proper care).
Baby Wrap Use #5 of 9: Safeguard against messy eaters.
Comforter. As your little one grows they will move out of the swaddling phase, usually when they start to roll, and their wrap can be used as a comforter to help them drift off to sleep with something familiar. Baby is then able to use it to self soothe, which is great for learning to sleep through the night without calling for you. Safe sleeping principles should still be adhered too.
SIDS and Kids – now known as Red Nose – is a high profile and well respected authority on safe sleeping.
Baby Wrap Use #6 of 9: Feeling comforter-able.
7. Distraction aid. Nothing like a bit of hide and seek or peek-a-boo behind a wrap to distract a fussy baby and give the adult some time to think of plan B!
Baby Wrap Use #7 of 9: Distraction is an art form.
8. Gift Wrapping. A unique way to wrap your gifts! Secure with a beautiful ribbon.
Baby Wrap Use #8 of 9: Recycling at its finest.
9. Swaddling. Last but not least. Wrapping or swaddling baby has shown to promote longer and more settled sleeps as it mimics the comfortable environment and security of the womb. It’s great to have a few on hand of different material weights so you can make changes based on the temperature and what bub is wearing.
Baby Wrap Use #9 of 9: Swaddling!
What else have you done with a wrap? We’d love to hear from you.